Assumptions in the Theory of Riveted Joints:
The subsequent assumptions are made in the design of riveted joints:
(a) The friction among the plates is neglected;
(b) A shear stress across a cross-section of a rivet is uniform;
(c) The straight stress distribution on the plate cross-section between rivet holes is uniform;
(d) All rivets within a rivet group subjected to a direct load passing through their CG share the load equally;
(e) Rivet shanks and after driving, fill the rivet holes completely.
Rivets subjected to both shear and axial tension shall be so proportioned that the calculated shear and axial stresses (τvt, cal and σtf, cal) do not exceed maximum permissible shear and axial stresses (τvf and σtf) respectively and also the following expression is satisfied:
(τvf , cal/τvf) + (σtf , cal/ σtf) ≤ 1.4