Dual Chamber Reverberatory:
The dual chamber furnace consists, like the name suggests, of two separate sections in the main furnace. Normally Scrap is charged onto a dry hearth section and left for a period of time for the Volatile organic compounds to evolve. Throughout this time the scrap heats to close to melting point. The gases are extracted to, and combusted in the rear chamber. Since the next batch of scrap is charged, the earlier load is pushed into the molten bath to end melting.
Typically these furnaces employ some form of pumping system that again might be either Electromagnetic or Mechanical, frequently with a separate sidewell. Some designs use the rear chamber of the furnace as an after burner when other might have a separate afterburner. Normally these furnaces are fed with dirty scrap that has not been decoated.
Recoveries for heavy scrap kinds are claimed to be high however they seem to be inappropriate for lightweight scrap kinds. One disadvantage with this kind of furnace is that as they attempt to combine the procedure of decoating and melting in one furnace, needing very difficult procedure control. Like the Volatile organic compounds evolve in a batch then the combustion chamber should be sized for peak loading and there are periods while there might be excessive energy available and others while the burners should operate at a higher level to compensate for lower loadings.
Characteristics of this kind of furnace can be summarised as following:
- Batch type operation
- All in one solution for melting scrap
- High Capital Cost
- Good recoveries reported along heavy scrap types. Might not be appropriate for lightweight scrap types
- Combustion chamber need to be sized for peak loading