Resonant Frequency Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Resonance - Resonant Frequency

Resonant Frequency:

Resonance occurs in an AC circuit when inductive reactance and capacitive reactance are equal to one another:  XL = XC.    When this occurs, the total reactance, X = XL - XC becomes zero and the impendence is totally resistive. Since inductive reactance and capacitive reactance are both dependent on frequency, it is probable to bring a circuit to resonance by adjusting the frequency of the applied voltage.  Resonant frequency (fRes) is the frequency at which resonance occurs, or where XL = XC.  Equation (8-14) is the mathematical representation for resonant frequency.

fRes  = 1/2Π√LC                                                    (8-14)

fRes = resonant frequency (Hz)

L = inductance (H)

C = capacitance (f)

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