Total solution ionic strength Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Resin Selectivity - Total solution ionic strength

Total solution ionic strength:

Mono-monovalent exchanges are usually little affected by the change in the total ionic strength. However, it becomes important if the exchanges are taking place in different valence say mono-divalent exchange.

Let us first consider mono-monovalent exchange

NaCl + RSO3H ↔  HCl + RSO3Na

(KNa+H+) = [Na+]r[H+]/[Na+][H+]r

By substituting the values as follows,

XrNa+ =Equivalent fraction of Na+ in resin = (Na+)r/Cr

XNa+ = Equivalent fraction of Na+ in solution =(Na+)/Cr

Where Cr =total capacity or normality of resin (equiv./L) and

C= total normality of solution

Eq. takes the following form

XrNa+/1-XrNa+ =KNa+H+ XNa+/1-XNa+

This equation gives the equivalent fraction of Na+ in the resin as a function of the solution with which the resin is in equilibrium. It may be noticed that the terms Cr and C do not figure in the Eq.

Now consider the exchange of monovalent ion with divalent ion.

CaCl2 + 2 RSO3Na ↔ 2 NaCl + (RSO3)2Ca

KCa++Na+ =[Ca++]r[Na+]2/[Ca++][Na+]2r

When is expressed in terms of the equivalent fraction of Ca++   in the resin as a function of the solution, it becomes

XrCa++/(1-XrCa++)2 = KCa++Na+ Cr/C XCa++/(1-XCa++)2

In Eq, the "apparent" selectivity coefficient is the term KCa++Na+(Cr/C)

Cr is the total capacity of the resin per unit volume and, therefore, is fixed for particular resin; the selectivity of the divalent ion in this exchange is inversely related to the total concentration of the solution. It can be concluded that the more dilute the solution, a more selective the resin becomes for the divalent ions.

Normality of the resin phase
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