Distribution Ratio Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Resin Properties - Distribution Ratio

Distribution Ratio:

It should be remembered that we should not speak of a resin to pick up a certain ion without noting that there is another ion in the resin phase. It is actually the tendency of an ion exchanger to pick up A+ at the expense of B+. This tendency of the exchanger to take up A+ will be different if the resin contains other ions C+ instead of B+. Thus, we can prepare a resin containing a certain counter ion and then compare a series of other ions containing this counter ion as a reference. For the ions in this series, we may simply mention distribution ratios. Distribution ratio simply expresses the partitioning of ion between the solution and the resin phases.

D = Conc. of an ion in the re sin/Conc. of the same ion in the solution

The conventional units are

D =  (Amount / kg of dry re sin)/(Amount / Litre of solution)

The amount word, in milligram, moles or whatever might be is proper since the units cancel in calculating the D ratio.

Curve of loading of an ion exchanger
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