Algorithm of Replacement Policy When Money Value Does Not Change Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Replacement Policy When Money Value Does Not Change - Algorithm of Replacement Policy When Money Value Does Not Change

Algorithm (Procedure)

Thus the procedure for obtaining the decision when to replace the equipment in the case of money value not changing with time can be outlined as follows :

  • Step 1

Draw the table with columns as shown below and enter the values of columns 1, 2, 3 and 4 as given in the problem.

1280_Algorithm of Replacement Policy When Money Value Does Not Change.png

  • Step 2

Calculate net value by difference of cost and salvage value (C - S), i.e. second column value - third column value and enter in Column 5

  • Step 3

Calculate cumulative running cost, i.e. Σ Rn cumulating of Column 4 and enter in Column 6.

  • Step 4

Calculate total cost TC = (C - S) + Σ Rn, i.e. sum of 5th column value and 6th column value to enter in Column 7.

  • Step 5

Calculate average total cost for n years, i.e. divide 7th column value by 1st column value, i.e. ATC = 1/n [(C - S) + Σ Rn] and enter in Column 8.

  • Step 6

Observe the values in column 8 and identify the minimum value. The year corresponding to the minimum value is the age of the equipment to be replaced.

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