Infinitely Repeated Games:
In the finite horizon case, the main focus was that credible threats or promises about future behaviour can influence current behaviour and if there are multiple IVash equilibria of the stage game, then there may be sub-game perfect outcomes of the repeated game G (T) in which, for any t < T, the outcome of a stage game is not a Nash equilibrium of G. Whereas in case of infinitely repeated games a stronger result is true. Even if the stage game has a unique Nash equilibrium, there could be sub-game perfect outcome of the infinitely repeated game in which no stage's outcome is a Nash equilibrium of the stage game G.
An infinitely repeated game is an extension of a finitely repeated game, it being played infinitely. Suppose the prisoners' dilemma game is to be repeated infinitely and for each t, the outcome of the t-1 preceding plays of the stage game is observed before the t' stage begins. Simple summation of the payoffs from this infinite sequence of stage games does not provide a useful measure of a player's payoff in the infinitely repeated game. This is because receiving a payoff 4 is better than receiving a payoff 1 in every stage but a summation of the payoff 1, repeated till infinity and that of 4 is same, which is infinity. To tackle this problem, we introduce the concept of discount rate. As we have argued earlier, Rs. 100 today is not the same as Rs. 100 tomorrow. If the rate of interest is 'r', one can earn (100xr) one-year later in addition of the principle Rs. 100. Therefore, Rs. 100 today is worth Rs. lOO(1 + r) tomorrow. To find the present value of a future income or future stream of income, we must discount it to get the present value of the future income. To get the present value of future income to be received t years later we multiply, it with
. This fraction 1/(1+r) is called the discount factor; it is generally denoted by δ. We can apply this method of calculating the present value of an income stream to calculate the present value of the payoffs of an infinitely repeated game.