Maintenance Prevention (MP)
This covers improvements rather than repairs, for instance, machine up keeping by the production personnel, minor changes in design, a substitution of more suitable components or improved materials. The objective is to eliminate or to reduce the frequency of work to the extent that the cost of improvement can be justified. Operators, equipment and the way they are used, all are important factors in providing efficient or reliable maintenance standards at economic cost. This maintenance policy concentrates on the prevention of maintenance of the equipment rather than the prevention of the failures. The importance will be given to replacement with the new parts than repairing them. The older parts will be disposed of as "second-hand sales".
This might because of the reason that the new parts are believed to give trouble free performance with high reliability and the life of the equipment is thus enhanced. Further, it has another advantage that the updated and technically improved parts can be incorporated into the machine to improve the productivity. However, this is possible if the equipment is so flexible, and can match/adjust with the new parts. And it is obvious that the cost of maintenance rises due to the spare parts.