Speed Is Self-Limiting Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Relativity Theory - Speed Is Self-Limiting

Speed Is Self-Limiting:

It is tempting to assume that the mass of an object, when it could be accelerated all the way up to the speed of light, would become unlimited. After all, as you moves toward 1 (or 100 %), the value of m in the formula rises without limit. Though, it is one thing to talk about what occurs as a measured phenomenon or property approaches to some limit; it is the other matter wholly to talk about what takes place whenever that limit is attained, supposing that it can be attained.

No one has ever view a photon at rest. No one has ever view a space ship moving at the speed of light. No limited quantity of energy can accelerate any real object to the speed of light, and it is since of relativistic mass rise that this is so. Even when it were possible, the mass-increase factor, as established by the formula, would be worthless. We would have to divide by zero to compute it, and division by zero is not described in mathematics.

The more enormous a speeding space ship becomes, the more influential is the rocket thrust essential to get it moving faster. Since a space ship approaches the speed of light, its mass becomes huge. This makes it harder and harder to provide it any more speed. By using integral calculus, physicists and astronomers have proven that no finite quantity of energy can propel a space ship to the speed of light.

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