Relationship between E and G Assignment Help

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Relationship between E and G:

Below figure shows what is known as the state of pure shear. The deformation of the body because of the shear is shown in Figure (projected view).

381_Relationship between E and G.png


The state of stress on the element is given by the stress component S, τxy =- τ yx  = τ . Due to shearing strain the original plane ABCD (a square) gets distorted into a rhombus EFGH. The magnitude of the shear strain γ is given by change in the right angles ∠ BAB, ∠ ABC, ∠ BCD and ∠ CDA. This change is produced by rotations of pairs of lines by γ/2 such as ∠ DEH.

Using Eqs. (31) and (32), let us find the stress components on the diametral planes DB and AC whose aspect angles are π/4 and 3π/4 respectively. On plane DB, we get

Normal stress component, σ = τ sin 2θ

= τ sin (2π /4) = τ

Shear stress component      = τ cos 2θ

= τ cos            (2π/4)= 0

Similarly, on plane AC,

Normal stress component = τ sin 2θ

=τ cos 2π/4 = 0

Shear stress component      = τ cos 2θ

=τ cos 2 × 3 π/4= 0

Hence, the distortion of the square ABCD by shear stress may also be treated as due to the elongation of the diagonal AC due to normal stress of + τ on planes parallel to BD and shortening of the diagonal due to normal stress of - τ on planes parallel to AC.

 εOA =  (τ/E) -v(-τ/E)  = τ (1 + v)/E

εOB =  -(τ/E) -v(τ/E)  = -τ (1 + v)/E

OE =OA (1+εOA)

OF =OB (1+εOB)

Φ = OEF = π/4 - γ/2

tan Φ = tan (π/4 - γ/2) = 1- (γ/2)/ 1+ (γ/2)

From Figure,

 tan Φ = OF/OE = OB (1 + εOB )/ OA (1 + εOA ) = OB (1 + εOB )/OB (1 + εOA ) (Q OA = OB)

tan φ= (1 - τ (1 + v)/E)/(1 + τ (1 + v)/E)

On comparing Eqs. (37) and (38),

γ/2 =  τ/E (1 + v)

or shear strain  γ= (2 τ (1 + v))/E

Rigidity Modulus   G = Shear stress/ Shear strain = τ/(2τ (1 + v)/E)

G =      E/2 (1 + v)

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