Regional trading blocs and trade creation:
Trade creation means that a free trade area (ITA), through preferential tariff concessions, creates trade that would not have existed otherwise. As a result, sunnlv occnrs finm a more eficient nrodncer of the nroduct within a free trade area. In all cases trade creation will raise a country's national welfare, as imports replace high-cost domestic production.
Trade diversion means that a free trade area diverts trade, away from a more efficient supplier outside the FTA, towards a less efficient supplier within the FTA. In some cases, trade &version will reduce a country's national welfare but in some cases national welfare could improve despite the trade diversion. Jacob Viner introduced the key concepts of trade creation and trade diversion in his pioneering study of the theory of customs unions. Through a simple model, Viner showed that forming a customs union could have welfare- increasing effects whereas it could have welfare-reducing effects in other circumstances.
This is illustrated in the Table, which, shows production cost of a homogeneous product in three countries.

Assuming that the production cost determines the price of the good and tariffs remain as the only source of divergence between price and cost it is possible to understand the effects of preferential tariff liberalisation under a customs union. Initially if Ximposes a tariff of 100 per cent, demand in Xwould have a choice among domestic products at a price of 500, imports from Y at a price of 800, and imports from Z at a price of 600. In such a situation, X would not import the good.
If Xmd Y form a customs union and impose the same 100 per cent tariff on imports from Z, consumers in X will face a choice between indigenous products at a price of 500, imports from Y at a price of 400, and imports from Z at a price of 600. X would then import the good from Y. This is an example of trade creation, which replaces relatively inefficient (high-cost) indigenous production with efficient (low-cost) imports fiom the partner country, leading to welfare gains.
In case, before the formation of a customs union X levies a tariff of 50 per cent then consumers demand in Xwould have a choice between domestic goods at a price of 500, important from Y at a price of 600, and imports from Z at a price of 450. Xwould impod the good from the lowest-cost import source, i.e. country Z. At this stage if X and Y form a customs union consumers in Xwill be faced with the choice of paying 500 for the indigenous products and 400 for imports frpm Y, and 450 for imports from Z. X will now import X from Y. Imports will be switched fiom the hwest-cost supplier, Z to the higher-cost supplier, Y. This is an example of trade diversion. Trade diversion takes place when a country shifts its source of imports from a more efficient country to a less efficient country because of the tariff-preferences in a customs union. This will lead to a lowering of welfare, as it entails a less efficient allocation of resources.
The issue becomes futther complicated when under a regional trade agreement (RTA) tariffs are not reduced to liberalised full to make it zero. In which case, the calculations to find out the most-efficient supplier may vary as the members of the RTA do not have necessarily zero tariffs among them.