Averages rate of cooling Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Refrigeration - Averages rate of cooling

Averages rate of cooling:

200 kg of ice at - 10oC is located in a bunker to cool some vegetables. 24 hours afterwards the ice has melted into water at 50C. Finds averages rate of cooling in kJ/hr & TR provided through the ice? Regard as

Specific heat of ice, cp,i = 1.94 kJ/kg oC

Specific heat of water, cp,w = 4.1868 kJ/kg oC

Latent heat of fusion of ice at 0oC, L = 335 kJ/kg.


Rate of addition heat to 200 kg ice at 10oC to formulate water at 5oC

QC = (sensible heat gain in ice from - 10oC to 0oC + latent heat of melting of ice + sensible heat gain of water from 0oC to 5oC)/time

= (200 kg * (0 - (- 10)) oC * 1.94 kJ/kg. oC + 200 kg * 335 kJ/kg + 200 kg * (5 - 0) oC* 4.1868 kJ/kg. oC)/24 hr

= 3127.78 kJ/hr

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