Standard Rating Cycle Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Refrigeration Systems - Standard Rating Cycle

Standard Rating Cycle:

The standard rating cycle correspond to the ideal refrigeration cycle illustrated in fig (3). Though, different operating conditions contain different effects on the vapor compression cycle. We learn these effects in detail below.

Effect of Evaporator Pressure

1926_Effect of Evaporator Pressure.png

Effect of Evaporator & Condenser Pressure Drops

As illustrated in Fig 6, a reduction in evaporator pressure p1 causes the state 5 & 1 to move to states 5? & 1? respectively. As a consequence, the work input to the compressor enhanced by areas 0?-1?-1-0 & 1-1?-2?-2. The COP & capacity of the refrigeration system therefore decreases.

Actual Vapor Compression Cycle Effect of Condenser Pressure
Effect of Liquid Subcooling Effect of Suction Vapour Superheat
Using Liquid-Vapour Heat Exchanger
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