Condensers Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Refrigeration Equipment - Condensers


The functions of the condenser are desuperheat the high pressure gas, condense this and also sub- cool the liquid.

Heat from the hot refrigerant gas is discarded in the condenser to the condensing medium-air or water. Air & water are selected because they are available naturally. Their usual temperature range is satisfactory for condensing refrigerants.

As the evaporator, the condenser is also heat-exchange devices.

Types of Condenser

There are three types of condensers, such as

(1) Air- cooled,

(2) Water-cooled and

(3) Evaporative.

Since their names imply, air-cooled condensers utilize air as the cooling medium, water-cooled condensers utilize water as the medium and the evaporative condenser is a combination of the both of these, that means uses both water and air.

Evaporative Condenser Forced-air Circulation Condenser
Heat Transfer in Condensers Natural Convection Condenser
Shell-and-Coil Condenser Shell-and-Tube Condenser
Tube-in-Tube or Double Pipe Condenser
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