Compressors Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Refrigeration Equipment - Compressors


There are different kinds of compressors that generally utilized in industry are following,

 (1) Centrifugal compressor

 (2) Reciprocating compressor

 (3) Scroll compressor

 (4) Screw compressor

 (5) Rotary compressor

The screw compressors & reciprocating are best fitted for use with refrigerants which need a relatively small displacement & condense at comparatively high pressure, such as R-12, R-22, Ammonia, etc.

The centrifugal compressors are appropriate for handling refrigerants that need large displacement & operate at low condensing pressure, such like R-11, R-113, etc.

The rotary compressor is most fitted for pumping refrigerants with moderate or low condensing pressures, such like R-21 & R-114; mainly it is used in domestic refrigerators.

Basic Cycle for Reciprocating Compressor Capacity Control of Centrifugal Compressors
Centrifugal Compressor Clearance Volumetric Efficiency
Effect of Clearance on Work Effect of Valve Pressure Drops
Overall Volumetric Efficiency Performance Characteristics
Reciprocating Compressor Rotary Compressor
Screw Compressor Surging
Variation of Volumetric Efficiency having Suction Pressure Volumetric Efficiency of Reciprocating Compressor
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