Vapour Compression Cycle Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Refrigeration Cycle - Vapour Compression Cycle

Vapour Compression Cycle:

Vapour compression cycle is an enhanced type of air refrigeration cycle in which an appropriate working substance, namely refrigerant, is utilized. Generally the refrigerants utilized for this purpose are carbon dioxide (CO2), ammonia (NH3), and sulphur-dioxide (SO2). The refrigerant utilized, does not leave the system, but it is circulated during the system alternately condensing & evaporating. In evaporating, the refrigerant absorbs its latent heat from the solution that is utilized for circulating it around the cold chamber & in condensing; this gives out its latent heat to the circulating water of the cooler.

The vapour compression cycle that is utilized in vapour compression refrigeration system is today used for all of purpose refrigeration. This is utilized for all of industrial purposes from a small domestic refrigerator to a large air conditioning plant.

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