Theoretical Vapour Compression Cycle Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Refrigeration Cycle - Theoretical Vapour Compression Cycle

Theoretical Vapour Compression Cycle with Dry Saturated:

Vapour after Compression

A vapour compression cycle having dry saturated vapour after compression is indicated on T-s diagrams in fig (a) & (b) respectively. At point 1, let T1, p1 & s1 is temperature, pressure and entropy of the vapour refrigerant respectively. The four procedure of the cycle are as follows:

658_Theoretical Vapour Compression Cycle.png

                                                    (a) T-s Diagram                                            (b) p-h Diagram

Theoretical vapour Compression Cycle with Dry Saturated Vapour after Compression

Compression Process Condensing and Expansion Process
Effect of Discharge Pressure Effect of Suction Pressure
Vaporizing Process
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