Conditions for Highest COP Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Refrigeration Cycle - Conditions for Highest COP

Conditions for Highest COP:

Effect of Evaporator Pressure

Assume a simple saturation cycle 1-2-3-4 along Freon 12 as the refrigerant as indicated in given fig. for operating conditions of tk = 40°C & t = - 5°C.

Now assume a change in the evaporator pressure equivalent to a decrease in the evaporator temperature to - 10°C. The changed cycle is indicated as 1'-2'-3'-4' in fig.

Therefore It is seen that a drop in evaporator pressure equivalent to a drop of 5°C in saturated suction temperature enhance the volume of suction vapour and therefore reduced the capacity of a reciprocating compressor and enhance the power consumption per unit refrigeration.

797_Conditions for Highest COP.png

                                   Effect of Evaporator Pressure

It is observed that a reduction in evaporator temperature results in :

 (a) Reduction in refrigerating effect from (h1 - h4) to (h1' - h4')

 (b) Enhancement in the particular volume of suction vapour from v1 to v1'

 (c) Reduction in volumetric efficiency, because of enhancement in the pressure ratio, from ?v to ?v '

 (d) Enhancement in compressor work from (h2 - h1) to (h2' - h1') because of enhancement in the pressure ratio with change from steeper isentropic 1-2 to flatter isentropic 1'-2.


470_Conditions for Highest COP1.png   . . . (2.1)


W *  = m* w                     . . . (2.2)

Expressions for the dependence of unit power consumption and capacity can now be written as:


1134_Conditions for Highest COP2.png

Effect of Condenser Pressure Effect of Liquid Sub cooling
Effect of Suction Vapour Superheat
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