Carnot Refrigeration Cycle Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Refrigeration Cycle - Carnot Refrigeration Cycle

Carnot Refrigeration Cycle:

In refrigeration system, the Carnot cycle considered is reversed Carnot cycle. We know that a heat engine functioning on Carnot engine contain the highest efficiency. Likewise, a refrigeration system functioning on the reversed cycle, contain the highest coefficient of performance.

2411_Carnot Refrigeration Cycle.png

                                                   (a) p-v Diagram                                                  (b) T-s Diagram

                                                      Reversed Carnot Cycle

A reversed Carnot cycle, by using air as the working medium is indicated on p-v & T-s diagrams in above given fig (a) & (b) respectively. At point 1, let p1, v1, T1 be the pressure, particular volume & temperature of air respectively.

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