Properties of Moist Air Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - Properties of Moist Air

Properties of Moist Air:

The art of air conditioning produced only slowly from the predecessor arts of cooling, heating, cleaning and ventilating. To the latter half of the 19th century, the developments the art of humidifying air went along the progress of textile industry in England. It is appeal to mentioning here the name of A.R. Wolff who designed air-conditioning systems for as several as hundred buildings throughout his life-time. But this is W.H.Carrier (1876-1950) who is known as the „Father of Air Conditioning?. He engineered & then installed the first year-round air-conditioning system, by providing for the four chief functions of cooling, heating, humidifying & dehumidifying. He made up use of air washers for controlling the dew point of air through heating or chilling re circulated water. Carrier presented his remarkable paper „Rational Psychrometric Formulae? in an ASME meeting. Carrier also working out the centrifugal compressors for refrigeration in the year 1922. So far as air conditioning for comfort is concerned, this got off the ground in motion-picture theatres in the year 1920 in Chicago employ CO2 machines and in the year 1922 in Los Angeles employ NH3 compressors.

In the following chapters, attention shall henceforth be determined on the art & science of air conditioning that is the greatest solitary application of refrigeration, in addition to that of heating & ventilation. For this cause this is necessary to study the properties of the functioning substances in air conditioning, like as , moist air.


After learning this unit, you must be able to

  •  know  about the composition of moist air,
  •  know about  the properties of moist air,
  •  study of psychrometric chart, &
  •  Know about the terminology of psychrometric chart.


Adiabatic Saturation Degree of Saturation
Dew Point Temperature Enthalpy of Moist Air
Gibbs-Dalton Laws Humid Specific Heat
Mole Fractions of Component Gases Molecular Weights and Gas Constants
Psychrometric Chart Psychrometric Properties
Relative Humidity Specific Humidity or Humidity Ratio
WET Bulb Temperature Working Substance In Air Conditioning
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