Internal labour Supply - Manpower Inventory Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Recruitment and Selection Process - Internal labour Supply - Manpower Inventory

Internal labour supply

A profile of employees in terms of, sex, age, education experience, past performance, job level, training and future potential should be kept prepared for use whenever needed. Requirements in terms of growth/diversification, internal movement of employees (promotions, transfer, retirement, etc.) ought to also be assessed in advance. The priority of absenteeism and turnover should be kept in mind when preparing the workforce analysis. By replacement charts or succession scheme, the organisation can even discover the approximate date(s) by which significant positions may fall vacant. Frequent manpower audits can be carried out to discover the available talent in terms of, performance, skills and potential as shown in figure.

Important forecasting techniques may be summarised thus:

Staffing table: It indicates the number of employees in each job. It attempt to classify employees on the basis of, sex, age, category, position, experience, skills, qualifications etc. A study of the table show whether present employees are correctly utilised or not.

2076_internal labour supply.png

                   Fig:  Estimated Internal Labour Supply for a given Firm

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