Rational B-splines:
In this case


An extension of this definition is to change the uniform knots uk = k/N into a non-uniform set {u0, u1, u2, . . . , uN + J + 1}.
Now ,the non-uniform B-splines Bi, j (u) is described by

B i,j(u) = (u- ui / ui-j - ui ) Bi, j -1 (u) +( u i-j-1 - ui/ui-j-1 -ui-j ) Bi -1, j -1 (u), j = 0, 1, . . . , N +
The only limitation on the knots is that it is non-decreasing. The non- uniform rational B-spline of order J is then given by

In modern CAD, NURBS is one of the most popular design curves. But as an example, we shall consider the Rational quadratic curves-conic sections.