Find out by the real roots of the denominator Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Rational Parametric Curves - Find out by the real roots of the denominator

Find out by the real roots of the denominator:

The singularities, equivalent to the points at infinity of2220_Find out by the real roots of the denominator.png, are find out by the real roots of the denominator

ω(u) = (1 - u)2  + 2u (1 - u) ω1 + u 2  = 0

They are specified by

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The curve decrease to

1.      a straight line if space w1 = 0

2.      an elliptic segment if 0 < w1 <1

3.      a parabolic segment if w1 = 1

4.      a hyperbolic segment if w1 > 1

Geometrically, the curves are governed trhrough the Parameter s = ω1/1 + ω1 as

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The curve C (u) flows through r0  (= P0 ) and r2  (= P2 ) with the slope from

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1519_Find out by the real roots of the denominator4.png

2278_Find out by the real roots of the denominator5.png the tangents meets at r1=P1

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