Classification of Nuclides:
Classification of Nuclides on the Basis of Odd-Even Number of Protons (Z) and Neutrons (N)
Following generalizations can be made on the basis of data presented in Table 12.2. a) For even A with even Z and even N that is largest number of stable nuclides exists.
b) For odd A nuclides, there are approximately same numbers of stable nuclides with even Z as well as with even N.
c) For even A with odd Z and odd N, just some stable nuclides are found e.g. 2H, 6Li, 10B, 14N.
On the basis of these generalizations, subsequent inferences could be made;
i) Nuclear forces between two nucleons are independent of whether the nucleons are protons or neutrons.
ii) Nuclear stability is more if Z and /or N are even and decreases abruptly when either Z or N or both are odd.