Method of standard addition Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Quantitative Polarographic Analysis - Method of standard addition

Method of standard addition:

The polarogram of the unknown is first recorded and then a known amount of standard solution of the same ion is added and a second polarogram is taken. The calculations are made as below.

If i di is the wave height the first polarogram of unknown solution of volume V and of 1concentration, cu and id2  is the wave height of second polarogram after adding v cm3 of standard solution of concentration cs, then according to Ilkovic equation:

Id1 = kcu


id2 =k (V cu +vcS)/(V + v)

thus k =id2(V +v)/(V cu +vcS)

therefore cu =   id  vcs/(id2-id1 )(V + v) + id1 v

Concentration of unknown, cu is therefore calculated. This procedure is sometimes reported as spiking used in environmental analysis.

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