Examples of Applications Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Quantitative Analysis - Examples of Applications

Examples of Applications:

There are too several applications of GC to be listed here. It has been estimated in which perhaps 20 % of the known chemical compounds and almost 80 % of the organics could be analysed through GC. A few of the significant applications from various areas are being discussed to describe the versatility of GC.

Bacterial identifications

Long chain fatty acids found in the bacterial cell could be used to distinguish among several microorganisms. Fatty acids along with chain length from Cl0 to C20 can be separated and estimated on a 3 m glass column of 2 mm internal diameter packed with 3% SP-2100 DOH at oven temperature of 150°C to 225°C along with nitrogen gas at a flow rate of 20 rnL/min.

Clinical and toxicological analysis Environmental analysis
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