TQM Programmes Assignment Help

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TQM Programmes:

Procedure of Introducing TQM Programme:

1. Analysis of customer's needs Customers needs may be high quality products, efficient services etc. Need assessment may be carried out through market survey which involves the use of interview or questionnaire methods.

2. Assessment of the degree to which these needs are currently being met.

3. Establishment of the gap between the current and desired situation i.e. the extent to which the needs are being met or the extents to which customers are dissatisfied with current services.

4. Establishment of the quality standards capable of satisfying customers’ needs.

5. Putting in place programmes necessary to meet the standards (needs of the customers). The following programmes should be introduced:-

a) Incorporating quality objectives into strategic plans
b) Building TQM into accountability of every job and into all related systems eg. performance appraisal.
c) Forming quality teams eg quality circles
d) Building skills through training and development programmes
e) Commitment from top management to provide a vision to reinforce values emphasising quality, set quality goals and deploy resources for quality programmes.
f) Recognising and rewarding quality improvements.


1) Enables the organisation to meet their customers needs hence achievement of goals and objectives.
2) Improves competitive strengths of the organisations.
3) Promotes interpersonal relations and team spirit among employees
4) Improves communication between managers and subordinates
5) Improves employee motivation through better terms and conditions of services eg. improved salaries
6) Strengthens long-term operations of the organisation.

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