Saturation Line Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Psychrometric Chart - Saturation Line

Saturation Line:

The saturation line shows the states of saturated air at different temperatures. As an instance of fixing such a state on the chart, refer an atmosphere A at 20 oC and saturation as illustrated in Figure. From the steam tables at 20 oC, water vapours pressure

112_Saturation Line.png

(a)       T-s diagram of water                                                             (b) Psychrometric Chart

                                                Saturated Air at 20 oC

ps= pv = 17.54 mm Hg =2342 N/m2

Partial pressure of dry air

pa=p - pv =101325-2342 = 98983 N/m2

Specific humidity at 20 oC saturation

1609_Saturation Line1.png

Knowing t & ω, point a may be plotted. Similarly, saturation states at other temperatures might also be plotted to sketch the saturation line on the psychrometric chart.

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