Homogenization and solubilization
Once an appropriate source has been recognized, the next step is to get the protein in solution. For proteins in biological ?uids, like as cell culture medium or blood serum, this is already the case, but for several proteins the tissues and cells required to be disrupted and broken open lysed. Additionally to the process elaborate there, another easy way of breaking open cells which do not have a rigid cell wall to release the cytosolic contents is osmotic lysis. The water in the surrounding solution diffuses into the more concentrated cytosol causing the cell to burst and swell when animal cells are placed in a hypotonic solution (like as water or a buffered solution without added sucrose). Differential centrifugation is then employed to erase contaminating subcellular organelles. Those proteins which are bound to membranes need a further solubilization step. Further isolation through other centrifugation the appropriate membrane is treated with a detergent like as Triton X-100 to disrupt the lipid bilayer and to release the integral membrane proteins into solution.