Degree-p B-spline curve:
A degree-p B-spline curve is described as :
![1663_Degree-p B-spline curve.png](
where, {Pi} are the n control points,
{Ni, p (u)} are degree -p B-spline basis functions over the knot vector along m intervals U = {a, . . . , a, up + 1, . . . , um - p - 1, b, . . . , b}
(i) Extreme values, a and b, are repeated (p + 1) times each. There are (m + 1) knots.
(ii) In general, the knot vector is non-periodic & non-uniform.
As previous, we list some 'nice' properties of B-splines, before going through some instance.
(i) If n = p, & U = {0, . . . , 0, 1, . . . , 1}, then C (u) is a Bezier curve.
(ii) For curve of degree p, along (n + 1) control points and (m + 1) knots, m = n + p + 1.
(iii) For a ≤ u ≤ b, C (a) = P0, and C (b) = Pn.
(iv) Affine Invariance : Affine transformations of the coordinate system do not alter the shape of the B-spline curve.
(v) Strong Convex Hull Property :
a) The curve is contained in the convex hull of its control points.
b) If ui î_ X Xi + 1, and p î_ L _P - p - 1, then C (u) is contained in the convex hull of the control points Pi - p, . . . , Pi.
c) This result may be derived from the non-negativity and partition of unity properties of the basis functions.
(vi) Local Modification: Moving Pi alter C (u) just in the interval [ui, ui + p + 1), as outside this interval, Ni, p (u) = 0.
(vii) A B-spline of degree-1 is identical to the control polygon. Since the degree of the B-spline is lowered, it comes closer and closer to the control polygon.