Mole Fractions of Component Gases - Gibbs Theorem Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Properties of Moist Air - Mole Fractions of Component Gases - Gibbs Theorem

Mole Fractions of Component Gases:

The ratio of partial pressure to net pressure, & volume fraction are equivalent to the mole fraction of the gas.


1446_Mole Fractions of Component Gases.png                              ...6.4

Molecular Mass of Mixture

As   m = m1 + m2, and m = Mn, m1 = M1 n1, m2 = M2 n2, we obtain

Mn = M1 n1 + M2 n2


 M = y1M1 + y2 M2       or         M = ∑i yi Mi     ...6.5

here M refers the molecular mass of the mixture and n1 = m1/M1, n2= m2/M2, etc. likewise, for the mixture, n = m/M.

Gibbs' Theorem:

Gibbs' Theorem additionally enunciates that the internal energy of a mixture is equivalent to the total of internal energies of the specific components, taken each at the temperature & volume of the mixture. Therefore, we have for the internal energy of the mixture.

mu = m1u1 + m2u2        ... 6.6

This can also be illustrate that the enthalpy & specific heat of the mixture can, likewise, be written as following

mh = m1h1 + m2h2         ... 6.7

mc = m1c1 + m2c2         ... 6.8

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