Stress-Strain Relation Ship Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Properties of Metals Stress - Stress-Strain Relation Ship

Stress-Strain Relation Ship:

Many polycrystalline materials have inside their elastic range an almost constant relationship among stress and strain. Experiments through an English scientist named Robert Hooke led to the formation of Hooke's Law that states which in the elastic range of a material strain are proportional to stress.  A ratio of stress to strain, or the gradient of the stress-strain graph, is known as the Young's Modulus.

DEFINE the subsequent terms:

a. Bulk Modulus

b . Fracture point

Given stress-strain curves for ductile and brittle material and IDENTIFY the subsequent specific points on a stress-strain curve.

a. Proportional limit

b. Yield point

c. Ultimate strength

d. Fracture point

Given a stress-strain curve and IDENTIFY whether the category of material is ductile or brittle.

Given a stress-strain curve and INTERPRET a stress-strain curve for the following:

a. Application of Hooke's L aw

b. Elastic region

c. Plastic region

Bulk Modulus Elastic and Shear Modulus
Tensile Tests and Stress- Strains Curves
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