Setting Advertising Objectives Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Promotion - Marketing Communication - Setting Advertising Objectives

Setting advertising objectives

Setting advertising objectives is the primary step in developing an advertising program.  These objectives should be depend on past decisions regarding the target market, positioning, and marketing mix, which described the job that advertising has to do in the overall marketing program.  An advertising objective is a particular communication task to be accomplished with a particular target audience during a particular period of time. Advertising objectives may be classified by prime purpose as:

1). Informative advertising, which is utilized to inform consumers regarding a new product or feature or to build up primary demand.

2). Persuasive  advertising  which  is  utilized  to  build  choosy  demand  for  a  brand  by persuading consumers that it offers the excellent quality for their money.

3). Comparison advertising which is advertising that compares directly one brand or indirectly to one or more other brands.

4). Reminder advertising, which is utilized to keep consumers thinking regarding a product. This form of advertising is more significant for mature products.

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