Basic Assumptions Assignment Help

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Basic Assumptions:

The estimated time of an activity is calculated with certain assumptions, i.e.

-  The activity durations fit a Beta distribution, illustrated in Figure. In the assumption beta distribution is used to justify the approximation of mean μ and the standard deviation σ. In traditional PERT method, mean and standard deviation from a, b and m are calculated using following formula

Figure 4.10: The Beta-distribution curve

μ = ( a + 4 m + b )/6 -------- (1)

σ = (b × a)/6 m  --------- (2)

-  The variance is calculated by squaring the value of sigma, that means variance V = σ2.

-  The range from a to b in the three-estimate approach covers 6 standard deviations. In view of this property, it is supposed that there are six standard deviation from a to b.

-  The activity durations are independent statistically.

-  Now the critical path means the path that has the longest expected value of total project time. The central limit theorem is utilized to justify this assumption.

-  The overall project duration contain a normal distribution.

At last, using estimates of variability for the activity on the critical path, the probability of completing the project by particular times are estimated.

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