Cross Sectional Profiling
The project facility while it is railway, highway, pipeline, or transmission line, will have certain width. Therefore, further to acquired information along the longitudinal section, it is also essential to gather useful information up to desired transverse distance on both side of the line along its whole length.

Figure : Cross Section Profile
This is achieved through drawing perpendicular lines at desired interval (e.g. 20 m to 30 m) all along the route length. The transverse width (length of cross section) on either side will depend upon the facility needs. It is 30 m to 60 m for highways, and 200 m to 300 m for railways on each side of the centre line (Figure 11). The cross sections are then serially numbered, e.g. CS1, CS2 etc. Along each cross section line, staff intermediate and special stations are determined at that level readings are taken and recorded. The intermediate stations could be at an interval of 10 meters although special stations are fixed at all significant points, e.g. points of sudden change of levels.
The recording of readings and drawing the profile is exactly same to that of longitudinal profiling.