Example of production without consumption:
Let the economy produce n final goods y1, y2, ..., yn, These goods are produced using m factors of production, X1, .., xm. The prices of final goods are p1, ..., pn, respectively, assumed to be fixed in the world market. This is called Small country assumption.
Let, xij = amount of factor i used in the production of good j i=l, .., m, j=l, .., n.
The production function for good j is written as
yj = P (xij, .. ., xmj).
The total resources of the economy are fixed at the levels x1, . . ..,xm i.e., the quantities are not choice variables, but parameters. In a competitive set up, the exhaustion of gains from trade implies that the value of total (final) output, or GNP is maximised. The above statement can be written mathematically as

We, for the simplicity of analysis, will assume that there are only two goods and two factors. Let the factors are labor L and capital K. Let the labor and capital allocated to industry j be denoted by L, and K, respectively.