Determination of Equilibrium Prices Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Production possibility frontier - Determination of Equilibrium Prices

Determination of Equilibrium Prices:

PPF gives all of the efficient combination of supply of goods. So we need the demand  for goods to determine the equilibrium position. If we  remember, the demand for goods can be  derived from consumer preferences (utility curves). Let us assume an aggregate utility  function, which can be  represented using a set of  'community  indifference curves'. These curves reflect the aggregation of  individual preferences.  In  order words, the  society  is willing  to trade-off among goods. If we take two goods, X and Y, the equilibrium price ratio PX / PY.
will  equate demand and  supply  for  the  both  goods.  In  the process,  (i) each consumer wouId take the price as given and maximise per utility subject to her budget  constraints,  (ii)  each producer  would  take  prices  as  given  and maximise her profit given such prices. Subsequently, market of clears at  the tangency point of PPF and community indifference curve.  

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