Key features of production management Assignment Help

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Key features of production management:

Some of the key features of production management are as follows.

1. Production management deals with the number of processes. Thus, a single person may not perform the function of production management. Production management includes a number of personnel such as supervisors, materials managers, and store managers or anyone who manage personnel, equipment, or materials.

2. The management term in broad interpretation includes design of the system and performance of all the activities mandatory to operate the system, that encompasses the directions to personnel and acquiring material and equipment.

3. The term highlights the fact that to manage the production of the organisation's final products, there are many subsystems as parts of the production system. For example, the cost accounting department in an auto manufacturer is part of the production system.

4. Goal of production management is to minimise costs, for most organizations. It also helps to improve efficiency and productivity of production system. The most of organisations are to earn a steady stream of profits and to maintain long term demand for their products so as to stay in market. The decisions made by production managers influence revenue component of the profit equation as well as the cost, and they affect the long term demand for the organizations products.

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