Just-In-Time Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Production Management - Just-In-Time


Just-in-Time (JIT) may be described as a production strategy especially designed to remove waste during a production process. It considers all of those things as waste that do not add any value to the product. Therefore Just-in-Time means reducing inventory levels, improving quality, and providing motivation to solve the problems as soon as they occur. Implementation of Just-in-Time also requires:

1. Use of high quality parts and processes.

2. Minimum lot size of a product.


After studying this unit, you should be able to

  • understand the philosophy of JIT manufacturing,
  • study the characteristics of JIT,
  • know the working and design of kanban system,
  • learn the implementation issues and procedure, and
  • Understand the advantages of JIT.


Advantages and Disadvantages Characteristics of JIT
JIT Implementation JIT Implementation in Manufacturing and Service Firms
Just-In-Time Philosophy Kanban System
Prerequisites for Effective JIT
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