Individual Product Decisions Assignment Help

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Individual product decisions

We will focus on the significant decisions in the development and marketing of individual products and services. These decisions are regarding product attributes, packaging, branding labeling, and product support services. Companies have to develop strategies for the items of their product lines.  Marketers make specific product decisions for each product including: brand, product attributes decisions, packaging, labeling, and product-support services decisions.  Product attributes deliver benefits via tangible aspects of the product by including features and design as well as through intangible features like quality and experiential aspects.  A brand is a way to recognize and differentiate services and goods through utilize of a name or distinctive design element, resulting in long-term value called as brand equity.  The labeling and product package are also significant elements in the product decision mix, as they both hold brand equity through affect and appearance product performance with functionality.  The level of product-support services provided may also have a major effect on the appeal of the product to a potential buyer.

Brand Equity Branding
Branding Strategy Consumer Adoption Process
Labeling New Product Development
Packaging Product Attributes
Product Life - Cycle Startegies Product Line Strategies
Product Support Services Selecting Brand Name
Sponsorship Option for Branding
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