Steps in the Change Process Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Process of Introducing change in an organization - Steps in the Change Process

Steps in the Change Process:


One of the first efforts to identify appropriate steps in a change process was made by Kurt-Lewin and Edgar Schein. They elaborated on what is known as Lewin-Schein model identifying 3 general steps to the change process: -

  • Unfreezing:- This is the first step of the change process in which Lewin & Schein observed that most individuals found it difficult to alter attitudes and behaviours that have been practiced for a long time. Most individuals for instance when told that their attitude or behaviour is inadequate or inappropriate are likely to deny or reject the information. This resistance according to Lewin & Schein can be countered by unfreezing the attitude or behaviour pattern by making the need for change so obvious that the individual will be willing to accept the change. This can be accomplished by making the individual recognize that some sort of change is better than the status quo (current state).
  • Changing occurs when the individual accepts and internalizes the changes in behaviour and attitude that are necessary.
  • Refreezing occurs when the changed attitude or behaviour are supported or reinforced in a way that they are rewarded by the organization. As a result the new attitude and behaviour become the accepted way of doing things in the organization.



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