Change Process by Richard Daft Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Process of Introducing change in an organization - Change Process by Richard Daft

Change Process by Richard Daft:

Richard Daft suggested that inorder for a new idea or behaviour to be successful adopted in an organization the following steps should be followed:-

Need:- a need for change occurs when organization members become dissatisfied with current activities. Goals may not be met, product quality is low or market share is shrinking. Dissatisfaction serves to unfreeze acceptance of current activity on the part of managers.

Idea:- an idea is a new way of doing things. An idea may be a new product, new technique or new machine. Ideas must be matched with a need.

Proposal:- a proposal is a request by someone in an organization to adopt a new idea. Proposal may take the form of a memo, a formal written document, a suggestion made during a conversation or a recommendation of an official committee of an organization.

Decision to adopt:- A decision occurs when a choice is made to adopt the proposed ideas. This decision may be made by the Board of Directors if the change is rather large or may be made by first line managers if the change is small.

Implementation:- implementation occurs when organization members actually use the new idea. This may be a change in attitudes, behaviour, equipment or products. Without implementation change cannot take place.

Resources:- adopting and implementing a new idea requires information, financial and material and human resources. Without resources change will not take place and members will return to their previous ways of doing things in the organization.

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