Structured Programming Assignment Help

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Structured Programming

The foundation of procedural design was created in the early year 1960s and was solidified with the work of Edgar Dijkstra and his colleagues. In the late year 1960s Dijkstra and others proposed the use of a group of existing logical constructs from that any program could be created. The constructs emphasized maintenance of functional domain which is each construct has a predictable logical structure was entered at the top and exited at the bottom enabling a reader to a follow procedural flow more simply.

The constructs are condition, sequence and repetition. The Sequence implements processing steps which are essential in the specification of any algorithm condition gives the facility for selected processing based on some repetition provides and logical occurrence for looping. These 3 constructs are fundamental to structured programming important procedural design methods.

Structured constructs were future to limit the procedural design of software to a little number of predictable operations. The Complexity metrics indicate in which the use of the structured constructs reduces program complexity and by enhances readability, maintainability and testability. The use of a limited number of logical constructs also contributes to a human understanding procedure which psychologists call chunking.  For understand this procedure consider how you are reading this page. Do not    read individual letters rather you recognize patterns or chunks of letters which form words or phrases. Structured constructs are logical chunks which allow reader to recognize procedural parts of a module rather than read the code or design line by line. By Understanding is enhanced when readily recognizable logical forms are encountered.

Some program regardless of technical complexity or application field can be implemented and designed using only the 3 structured constructs. It should be noted moreover in which dogmatic use of only these constructs can sometimes cause practical difficulties.

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