Chi-Square Distribution
If z is a standard normal variate, as defined above, then the variable z2 is said to be distributed as a variable with one degree of freedom. Since x2 is a squared term, when z ranges from - oo to + oo, chi-squares ranges from 0 to + a,. Moreover, since z has a mean 0, most of the values taken by x2 will be close to 0. As a result, probability density of x2 distribution will be the maximum near 0. We can generalizc the above. If z1, z2 ,..... zk are k independent chi-square variables then the variable
z = , follows X2 distribution with k degrees of freedom. We denote this by XK2 , The probability density functions of for different degrees of freedom are given in Fig. Observe that as degree of freedom increases, the chi distribution approaches normal distribution.