Summary Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Principles of Management - Summary


1 The management systems concept can be useful for understanding the operations of your utility by identifying the critical sub-systems, their inter- linkages and inter-dependence for achievement of common goals.

2 The basic processes common to every management situation are planning, controlling, organizing, motivating and leading. Planning helps a manager in allocating resources in the most efficient manner to achieve the organisational objectives. Controlling is the process by which a manager checks the implementation of his plans against certain pre- determined measures of performance.  Organizing refers to the formal grouping of people and activities for doing work.

3 Leading and motivating are the behavioural aspects of manager's role. A manager is expected to provide leadership by way of personal example and inspire confidence, and bring into play all those factors by which he can persuade, convince and motivate his subordinates to turn in their best performance.

4 The values and work ethics help build the image of an organisation and individuals imbibe these for corporate governance.

5 Supply Chain Management is the procedure of managing operations control, resource and inventory acquisition and purchasing, and thus improving overall efficiency and effectiveness.

6 Total Quality Management implies adherence to quality standards, quality control, benchmarking, productivity, reduced costs.

7 Project management essentially comprises continuous tracking of tasks and accomplishments from the beginning to end.

8 Performance Management is a way of managing people that encourages and helps them to use their capabilities optimally for achievement of the companies' business strategies and objectives.

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