Condition Checking Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Principles of Condition Based Maintenance - Condition Checking

Condition Checking

Condition checking principle involves in checking the condition of the equipment at regular intervals. This is carried out by preparing a checklist of various points or parameters of the machine by which the machine condition can be defined. Usually this activity is assigned to the maintenance department or the operator who maintains or repairs/restores the condition (in the event of failures) on the machine. The maintenance operator is supposed to check the condition at the very beginning of working on the machine or while handing over the equipment to the user department certifying about the condition. The condition checking includes the trial runs and test runs (called dynamic checking) also in addition to the regular check list tests (known as static checking). An exemplary checklist is given in following Table.

                                                 Table: Checklist and Certificate of Condition Checking

1992_Condition Checking.png

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