Size Exclusion Chromatography Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Principles of Chromatography - Size Exclusion Chromatography

Size Exclusion Chromatography:

Before we discuss this chromatographic technique, it may be desirable to refer to Unit 1 wherein classifications of separation methods have been dealt. In the scheme of classification based on property resulting into separation, there is a distinct class in which the separations are achieved on the basis of molecular geometry or molecular dimensions. This size exclusion or gel filtration chromatography figures right in this category. However, if we probe into other criteria of classification based on equilibrium and rate procedures, exclusion chromatographic methods appears in chromatographic processes where liquid and solid are in equilibrium. Thus, very rightly the size exclusion chromatography is one of the important forms of liquid chromatographic technique.

The mobile phase is aqueous or organic and the stationary phase is a molecular sieve. These sieves are generally polymeric carbohydrates and acrylamide that have an open network formed by the cross linking of polymeric chains. Incidentally, this branch of chromatographic science was also discovered in a Bioscience oriented laboratory.

Applications Basic equation for size exclusion chromatography
Basic Principle Characteristics of gel
Classification - Synthesis and Properties Determination of molecular masses
Fractionation by size exclusion chromatography Gels and Their Important Properties
Properties of Sephadex gels and disadvantages Protein binding and complex formation
Size Exclusion Chromatography Thin layer chromatography
Unique Features of The Technique Variables Defining the Utility of Gel
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