The Manager And His Environment Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Principles And Practices Of Management - The Manager And His Environment

The Manager And His Environment

At any time of our lives we are members of one organization or another e.g. Church, School, College, Workplace etc. The organizations we belong to are diverse in many aspects for example size, structure, membership and ownership.
However these organizations all have certain things in common.
These include:

•A goal or purpose
•Program or method for achieving the goals.
•Plans to ensure effectiveness of the goals.
•Leaders/Managers who are responsible for helping the organization achieve its goals.

So the study of management involves the study of the work and performance of managers i.e. how organizations are managed so that they can achieve their goals.

Contemporary Management Theories Defining Management
Major Schools Of Management Thought And Their Evolution Management Art Or Science
Management Functions Management Roles And Skills
Managing Work & Organisations Principles Of Work Management From The Scientific Management
Successful Management The Behavioural School Of Management Theory
The Environment Under Which Management Is Practised The Quantitative School Of Management
Time Management Techniques Manager And The Manager Of The Environment Types Of Managers
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