Besides services, almost all organisations produce a mix of physical goods and an array of related services. Fast-food restaurants produce Burgers and hot-dogs, but their performance is judged also on the speed and friendliness in which they serve them. Even colleges produce products. If you are currently a student, you either see yourself as the product being produced or as a customer buying a service called education. Either way, you expect to come out of the college, a Certified Public Accountant or Secretary.
In simple terms, production/operations management (POM) is the study of the conversion of inputs into outputs in any organization. It is concerned with the manufacture of goods and services. It includes large and small forms, profit and non-profit making organizations. It also applies to all government agencies and functions. Table 1-1 provide a sampling of organizations from different industries and lists the inputs, conversion process and outputs for each.
Table 1-1 Production Function for Selected Firms
Organization Basic Inputs Conversion Products
Fast-food Labour, Capital, Cooking and Sandwiches, fries,
Restaurant Material, Energy Preparation drinks, friendly
effective service
Hospital Labour, Capital Health Care Healthy people
Material, Energy
College Labour, Capital Teaching and Graduates, and
Material, Energy Research New Knowledge
(Books,papers, etc)
Bank Labour, Capital Financial Analysis Loans, Accounts,
Material, Energy Decision Making, Savings Plans
Record Keeping
This unit describes the fundamentals of those areas that make up production/operations management. It discusses the importance of each area and shows how the various functions fit together to create an effective and efficient production system.