Comparator Element:
In order to achieve better accuracy and to eliminate errors due to secondary standard, a Monostandard (ko) Method has been proposed. In this method a single element such as Au, Mn, Co with 100% isotopic abundance is used as a comparator for multielement NAA. Various schemes have been devised to accomplish this and the most significant of these is ko method. Subsequent equation is used to calculate the concentration (w) using this method.
w (µg / g) =(Asp/A*sp)(1/Ko ) (f + Q*0 (α ))ε */( f + Q*0 (α ))ε
where Asp is the exact activity, f is the thermal to epithermal flux ratio
Q0 is the ratio of the resonance integral to the thermal neutron cross section;
ε is the detector effectiveness; α is the deviation of the epithermal flux from ideality
k0 = the k0 factor (M i * γ * σ th / M i * γ * σ *th); *corresponds to the comparator element
The ko factor is an experimentally determined value that contains the values for the nuclear constants needed in the activation analysis. In Eq. 13.13 a new term Kanal is introduced so that it may now be written as
ρ(µg/g ) = A'p P/A*sp. 1/Kanal where Kanal =ko (f+Qo)/(f+Qo)*. ε/ ε*
where A′p is the peak area of the ith element corrected for saturation, cooling and decay during counting and normalized for 1 g sample. The ko factors for many nuclides have been determined and published using gold as a comparator element.